This article is for developers who want to develop web-apps with Play 2 Framework but are required to integrate these new web-apps in an existing build process based on Maven . Lucky you, someone already started a project to do this: play2-maven-plugin . Unfortunately, this Maven plugin does not support hot reloading yet, which makes the development process painful. To make it short, you still need SBT to enjoy Play 2 hot reloading feature... but you do not want to have to maintain both Maven and SBT configurations. The trick is to configure SBT from Maven pom files with sbt-pom-reader . This is how you need to configure your play2-maven project: <my-maven-project>/ pom.xml <- Your maven build build.sbt <- the sbt Play 2 configuration project/ <- the sbt version specification build.scala <- the sbt build definition plugins.sbt <- the sbt plugin configuration ...